Thursday, November 3, 2011

Farmington Trail

A couple weeks ago, before the weather decided to completely turn on us, Justin and I took the kids up to the Farmington trail and attempt to get some pictures of them.  Justin has not one ounce of patience when it comes to pictures, so we were only there for about 30 minutes. But when you're dealing with three kids 30 minutes is about all you can do.

One thing I've learned having three kids, is that it's virtually impossible to get all three of them looking at the camera and smiling at the same time. I determined to get me the perfect picture of all of them one day.  I just have a feeling that we need to wait out this crazy, hyper, running everywhere stage that Makenna is in right now. 

Looking at these pictures makes me already miss the warm weather and it's only been cold for like three days. 

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