Sunday, January 2, 2011

December Family Fun

I downloaded my pictures yesterday and had over 250 pictures from December 18 through yesterday. Wow-I knew we were busy...but really...250 pictures.  Needless to say we had a ton of fun this last month.

Did I mention that we pretty much had a superhero Christmas. It seemed like everywhere we went a couple of superheroes followed.   Iron Man, Spiderman, Batman, Rainbow Brite (yes-she is offically a superhero now-just ask Alexis) This is what the kids were doing at the Boulter party while we were eating dinner.

My grandpa was pretty excited to come up for our party, but a couple days before he fell and broke his arm, nose and had some other health issues that would let him come. But thankfully Brandon had a great idea to hook up a webcam so he could see all the kiddos. The kiddos thought it was so cool. (Can you spot Batman down in front?-just one more superhero spotting)

After chatting with Grandpa we got down to business and had the kids act out the nativity. I can't believe what a ham Alexis is-but we loved that she begged us to be the angel, no fighting over Mary this year.

I think Makenna just might be the happiest most content baby I have ever met (thank goodness). Plus she has her daddy wrapped around her little finger already.

I don't think one of of the kids were expecting this guy to show up at our party. But I do have to say this Santa puts all other Santa's to shame.

I thought Kyle would be scared of him, but he was surprisingly just fine. Totally out of character for Kyle.

Now Alexis on the otherhand still has not stopped talking about Santa. She was so adorable and just hugged him every chance she could.  I defintely think this big guy made an impression on her.

I love this picture of the girls-not really sure how it's possible that Jamie and I have kids this old now.  But I love how much fun they have together.

Oh, and you can't forget...Jamie-I mean mommy wolverine (according to Owen)
and the star of the party-crazy uncle Tyler

On Christmas Eve we went to Ty and Steph's house, but for some reason my camera was acting up so I only got a couple of pictures.  Looks like Alexis has had a growth spurt and passed her Aunt Madi.

Kyle was in heaven playing with McKadin and Morgan all night. I was playing around with my camera setting and love the bokeah I got (blurred lights)

He was so excited the next morning when Santa brought him his Iron Man mask-
which totally makes him look like a life size bobble head.

This little girl couldn't figure out what was going on, but she couldn't take her eyes off the action for one minute either.

She also loved her new walker, which I think I might love even more because she can entertain herself.

and I think she had the right idea on take a nap in the middle of all the craziness.

We had a wonderful Christmas this year and loved all the time we got to spend with family. We hit the sledding slopes yesterday with Ty and Steph and have some fun pictures, but for now here's the first picture I took in 2011.

1 comment:

jjtsoccer said...

I totally need to get some of these pics from you, especially the woverine one!