Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Talbot Family Pics-Sneak Peek

Check one more thing off my list of stuff I did on my week off. I loved taking Jamie's family pictures tonight and I was even more excited when I downloaded them off my camera. I have to say that the three older kids are seriously the best picture takers EVER. They listen and cooperate no matter what I told them to do, and look how adorable their pics turned out. I just couldn't wait until Friday to share, so sorry Jamie, you don't get to see them before everyone else.

I know this last picture doesn't have Kelby in focus, but seriously how freaking cute is this! It's pretty hard to get 6 people in focus when their jumping, but I say 5 out of 6 will work...this time.

Sorry there are so many pictures, but this isn't even half of the cute ones. I sure am glad I don't have to pick the final ones to be printed. If anyone needs family pictures taken let me know, I am really considering getting a side business started and I need all the clients I can to get it going.


Brenda said...

these pics are fantastic!!! Where's your website??? :)

jjtsoccer said...

These turned out so dang cute!! Thanks soo much we had a blast! I hope you don't mind if I suggest you to others.