Sunday, July 5, 2009

It Must be a Boy Thing!

I have to post this picture for my awesome S-I-L Katie. The poor thing has a little boy that loves to drop his pants and pee wherever he is. (Why waste so much time going to the bathroom, when the closest tree or bush will work? It definitely must be a boy thing) Lucky for me, I am always ready at a moments notice and got this awesome picture of Jared running over to stop Aidan from peeing on the tree by the elephant exhibit at the zoo. I decided that this must happen alot, because Jared was over there in a blink of an eye.

Here are few more pictures from our Zoo Day.

Caleb and Ethan were Star Wars troopers, protecting Alexis from the man-eating giraffe.

Just a little proof that I was actually at the zoo, I am never in any pictures because I am always behind the camera.

I love this picture of all the kiddos.

I don't think we can go anywhere without an adorable picture of Alexis hugging Caleb.

I love how the focus in this picture when to Caleb and Ethan. (I totally meant to do that!) j/k, but I love how it turned out.


JaredandKatie said...

That's great that you got a pic of Aidan doing his **business**! Funny boy! The zoo was fun, the kids liked it a lot. Can't wait to see you again!!

paxtonfam said...

Looks like fun! How are you doing? I haven't seen you in awhile!

JaredandKatie said...

And yes,embarassing as it is, this happens quite regularly.