Thursday, July 21, 2011

My favorite Sister-In-Law's Adorable Family...

Check out these super cute pictures we took this weekend of Katie's adorable family!

Mr. Ethan is just super chill and after everyone left to run to the bathroom he decided to cheese it up for the camera and we got this awesome pose from him. 

Little Aidan just never stops smiling

this my new little diva poser

but she is also a little princess (just ask her)

and she loves her mom

these boys are crazy silly and I think had more fun making faces at the camera.

love, love, love this picture

we definitely ran out of sunlight before we wanted to be done with pictures, but then again maybe we had perfect timing because we got this adorable picture of Jared playing with Ainsley.

and this one...which might just be my new favorite picture.

I have about a million pictures from the past week that Jared and Katie have been visiting, let's just say we have had a BLAST.  But Katie has learned that I don't get mad, I just get even. Because obviously someone is much wetter than I am and has MUCH more frosting on her face than I do.

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