Tuesday, January 18, 2011

St. George in the Winter

Last weekend the kids and I decided to go to St. George. The trip was completely exhausting, but also a nice break from our everyday routine, plus the 60 degree weather pretty much can't be beat.

Saturday was an adventure in itself. Makenna ate some banana baby food for breakfast and by about 11am her eyes were starting to swell shut and she had the worst rash all over her face and it was starting to creep down her torso, back and legs.  After going back and forth about what I should do, I gave in and spent the next three hours at instacare with her. Turns out she had an allergic reaction to the bananas and was put on cortizone and some really greasy and thick lubricant to get rid of the rash. I took some pics on my phone, but she looks just horrible, so I'm just going to share a picture of her a couple days later when the rash was pretty much gone. She was pretty miserable all weekend but I have never been so thankful to wake up Sunday morning to find the rash and blisters pretty much all gone.

On Sunday the kids and I decided to go to the park just to get out of the house (and to give Grandpa B some peace and quiet).  They loved being outside and loved not having to wear winter coats and gloves and hats just to walk to the car.

To my surprise they were more then willing to go hiking with me after the park, and they were even in a picture taking mood, so that made me double-ly happy.

Not really wanting to go back to a stuffy house we went and walked around the temple grounds...until Alexis got mad that she couldn't go inside, so I knew that our cue to leave.
 Don't you love the blue sky-I haven't seen a blue sky like that up here since-never mind I can't even remember the last time the sky was that clear. St. George is definitely the perfect winter escape.  I just wish I could make it down there more often.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Yeah we wish you could make it down more often...and with better circumstances. I love that picture you took of the temple. Very cool!