Thursday, October 7, 2010

At 8 weeks

Holy cow has time flown by, I'm not really sure how it's possible that Makenna is 8 weeks old already. That means its been 8 weeks since I've slept more than 3-4 hours at a time (wait what am I talking about, I think it's been close to 7 years since I'm slept for a good solid 8 hours). But I'm so in love with this little girl, and I love how everyday more of her adorable personality comes out.
Right now she hates sleeping and will go a couple days without more than a 20 minute nap every couple of hours and then sleep for 9 straight hours-unfortunately that's usually during the day and only if I sit and hold her the entire time. Last night she did make a new record and slept for 6 hours, so fingers are crossed that she will start to sleep more and more at night-especially since I go back to work Monday, I NEED her to start sleeping a little more than the 4 hours she usually does at night. She is also smiling all the time, and loves to talk to you.
and she's always ready to give kisses-look at those adorable little lips. 

I have had a couple of free minutes to work on some holiday craft projects, which I think turned out pretty cute. Now I just can't wait to have more time to scrapbook.

1 comment:

Maren said...

I can't believe how quickly that flew! So how was the 1st day back?