Friday, July 13, 2012

gotta catch up

i feel like summer has completely slipped by us this year.  Alexis had her tonsils out the week after school got out, and it took a good 3 weeks for her to feel like doing anything, Makenna spent a couple days in the hospital and  the next weekend we had to go school shopping (what-there is just something wrong about shopping for clothes in JUNE). The last 2 weeks Jared and Katie have been in town, I'm going to CHA-Chicago all week next week and then lucky us the kids start year-around school on the 23rd.  Craziness-the summer is literally over.   Here are a few fun random pics from the past few weeks. 

My poor baby is having the hardest time getting over her phenomena. We ended up taking her to the ER with a 105 fever-and spent over 12 hours there. She was poked and prodded and had just about every test possible done. Finally the doctors decided to do another x-ray and her left lung was almost invisible due to the thick phenomena in it.  Her oxygen levels were surprisingly good, so they let me take her home for a couple hours so she could sleep. When she woke up we had to go right back to the doctor's and spent most of the next day there.   After weeks of antibiotics they gave her the strongest anti-biotic a 2 year old can have without having to stay in the hospital. It's been three weeks now, and we just got an "Improved" x-ray yesterday. Thank goodness!!! Hopefully we have finally turned a corner and we can get this sweet thing healthy.

I know Kenzie hasn't felt great lately, but man oh man-this little girl has hit those terrible twos really early.  She can throw a tantrum with the best of them and those out if you are on the other end of one of her glares.

I have been super busy with my photography-which I love!!! I spent my birthday photographing my cousin Brittany's wedding.   It was a super long day, but it was great and I got some super fun pictures. This has to be one of my favorite (and I love that the leaves are in the shape of a heart).

For the past couple of years, really since I had Makenna, I have been super motivated to lose all my baby weight by my birthday.  I got so close, just 3 pounds away from getting to my pre-kiddo weight. Close enough-I'll take it.  The best part is I feel so much better about myself, have more energy and I LOVE buying pants 6 sizes smaller than I wore 18 months ago. I've even sort of starting to love running.

 I just love how much Kyle loves his "best buddy" McKadin. They are two peas in a pod.

I cannot believe Alexis will in a 3rd grader in a week-she has all of a sudden gotten so grown up. 

I gave Makenna her first real haircut on the 4th of July.  I've cut her bangs a few times, but I have never been able to cut the back.  Once her hair started to look like a mullet I decided it was time to even it out. 

It is so much easier to comb those crazy curls now and Kenzie was so good the whole time, probably because Grandma Brenda was bribing her with candy the whole time. 

I'm thinking these curls might be here to stay. Alexis had super curly hair too, but by about 2 years old they were starting to turn to waves.   Makenna-not so much, her hair is pretty thin and it just makes her curls kinkier than ever.

Kyle and I decided to clean out his toys/costumes to give to the DI a couple weeks ago. Kenzie came in and starting yelling "spiermaaaan" and would not let us have the costume back.  Who needs princess dresses when your big brother has countless superhero costumes to play in. Cutest spidergirl ever!

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