Monday, October 24, 2011

Fabulous Fall

We have had a crazy October and have been super busy, but have done a lot of fun things.  Thank goodness we have had the most wonderful weather because we have been taking full advantage of it this month (and completely dreading what November is going to bring).

At the beginning of October my little sister got baptized.  Madison is the most crazy, spunky little girl and is Alexis' best friend.  I love that they are only 5 months apart and are in the same grade, when they are together I honestly feel like they were supposed to be twins because they talk alike, act alike and just love being with each other more than anyone else.   Madi's baptism was wonderful and it made Alexis so excited for hers in the Spring. 

We went to dinner after her baptism and I got this super cute pic of Justin and Makenna. Honestly I was shocked I got Justin to smile, because he detests my camera.  This was the first time I was able to get Makenna's air in pigtails too, but it sort of makes me sad because she just looks way too old with them. 

A couple weeks ago we took the kids to Patch's Pumpkin Patch up in Farmington.  What's funny is I don't once remember going to a pumpking patch growing up, but my kids look forward to it, almost as much as picking their costumes for Halloween.
 Makenna's hair is getting so long, I'm think we may be getting a hair cut soon, at least just to keep her bangs out of her face. Because heaven knows no one is touching those curls in the back. She spent most of the time at the pumpkin patch on Justin's shoulders.
 She did let him put her down to explore those gigantic pumpkins at the front.

 I loved the sun right as we were leaving and the corn husks made the perfect background. My other two kids were being stinkers, so I just left them alone and took pics of my baby.

We also went to Gardner Village to Witch-a-palooza, our other yearly tradition. But this time we dragged my mom with and it was fantastic because Makenna is a total Grandma's girl and wants nothing to do with me or Justin when she's around. So we actually got to enjoy the decorations and didn't have to chase her around the whole time.

Alexis became the photographer for the last 20 minutes we were there and she took this awesome picture of Kyle, that is so him.  He is always chewing on his bottom lip and I love that she got this candid pic of him.

One of the best benefits of working at my station are the free tickets that I get, so we surprised the kids and took them to Lagoon on Saturday. But we found out that having 5 people is defiitely not ideal for Lagoon.  Justin and I took turns going on the rides with Kyle and Alexis, while the other one got to walk around with Makenna.  She loves being outside and didn't get fussy once, I may of been stuffing her with Teddy Grahams, but hey whatever works, right. 

This is the first year Kyle has been tall enough to go on "real" rides, and to be honest I was a little hesitant when he said he wanted to go on The Bat. But as you can see he has the biggest smile and I think he was so proud of himself and came running off the ride yelling "That was Awesome".

Now Alexis, she shocked me, because there is not one ounce of fear in her little body and literally only picked the biggest, fastest rides to go one.  Jet Star, Bat, Bombara, Stratosphere, Wild Mouse and believe it or not she ended the day by going on Wicked with me.  There were a couple kids on a date next to us and I think he was more worried about her than I was.  Of course she told him right as we sat down that she was going to throw up, so that may of freaked him out.  But she loved it and was screaming "This is Awesome!!!!" the entire ride and she made the couple next to us laugh the entire time.

Can you tell that Fall is definitely my families favorite season?
In the middle of all this I was able to sneak my kids off and take some new pics of them, so hopefully I can get some of them posted later this week.

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