Tuesday, November 30, 2010


We spent the Thanksgiving weekend in Arizona with Jared and Katie this year and had so much fun. The kids were so excited to see their cousins and spent most of their time like this or playing Rock Band.

Thanksgiving was so laid back and stressfree, it was wonderful. After a couple of trips to Wal-Mart we had a super yummy dinner.  We made sure and stayed away from Jared once he broke the knife out-he liked carving that turkey a little too much.

Katie and I woke up (ok, never really went to sleep Thursday night) and left to go to the valley at 12:45am. Before this trip I thought I was a shopper, but now I'm convinced that Katie and her mom can run circles around me. We got some killer deals, even if it meant standing in line longer than we were actually shopping, and made a new friend-all I can say is return missionaries stand out like a sore thumb down there and once he overheard I was visiting from Utah he never stopped talking/flirting with me until the store opened (katie-you can stop laughing now. justin didn't find that part of our trip too amusing, but Katie and I sure did).

As soon as we got back the boys took off to see a movie and get a break from the kids, so we made cute little turkey crafts with the kids.

The rest of our trip we just hung out and had fun visiting with each other.
(Beware of picture overload)

I loved Ainsley's cute blanket and had to take some pics of my chubby little Makenna.

Aidan, Alexis and Ainsley hanging out on the rope swing. 

Ethan was on a mission the entire time I was down there to not let me take a picture of him. I thought this picture was so funny of him peaking to see if the coast was clear.

Ainsley is the funniest little girl and always up for a picture.

Katie and I stalked one of the kiosk people at the mall and watched her curl a little girls hair with a flat iron, so of course I had to try it the next day and loved how it turned out-too bad it was windy and you can't really see the fun beachy wavy curls I got-this just might be my new favorite way to do my hair.

I realized on this trip that I really need to go to the park more with my kiddos. Because we got there and Kyle had no idea what I meant when I said to roll down the hill. He was rolling across the hill instead of down the hill, but once he figured it out I couldn't get him to leave.

I think the theme of the park trip was "Let's see who can tackle Ethan the most". You can't see her, but poor little Ainsley was right in the middle of this dog pile.

I loved how the sun was reflecting on this pond and I was determined to get a couple of cute pictures of A&K before we left.

I wish we could of dragged Jared and Justin away from the Wii, but there was no way either one of them were going to come with us in the cold to the park. Oh well...I sure did have fun with these two little ones.

This Thanksgiving might be one the funnest holiday's I have had in a long time, I just wish the weather would of cooperated with us on the drive home, but we ended up driving home in a blizzard that covered all of Utah and most of Arizona. The drive down there took just a little over 9 hours, but the drive home...lets just say we left at 7:45am and didn't get home until after 10pm-that's right almost 15 hours in a car with three little kids-enough said. I have never been so scared in my entire life-I think all the Utah and Arizona snow plows were still on vacation because they certainly weren't on the roads plowing the snow.  I was so thankful to tuck my kids into their beds Sunday night. Just a little advice-don't ever take a road trip in Arizona in the middle of the winter. Next time were flying...at least I had this cute little one to play with to distract me from the roads.

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