Monday, November 22, 2010

Snowy Sunday

When we woke up on Sunday Alexis was over the moon excited that there was enough snow to go outside and play in.  It was absolute torture for her to have to wait until it got a little warmer to go out to play.  She loves the snow and would play in it for hours if I let her. Kyle on the other hand not so much-he was more than content staying inside and watching a movie.

Alexis was literally jumping in the snow and making snow angels faster than I could get my camera out, but thankfully she was determined to make the best snow angel ever, so I had a little time to unzip my camera bag. 
Um yeah, that snowball-I mean ICE ball ended up right in my face.

and you'd think I'd learn to not give her any ammunition, but no-I let her take the shovel-thinking she was going to shovel for me, and then the entire shovel full of snow ended up on me too.

Even though we were soaking wet and freezing, it was a lot of fun. (which is really hard for me to say since I hate the snow-unless it's Christmas Day-don't ask me why I live in Utah-I wonder myself sometimes)

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