Sunday, October 31, 2010

Our October

I don't think busy can even begin to describe what our October has been. With me going back to work and trying to re-adjust to working full-time, and having three kids it's been quite a crazy few weeks. But we have had a lot of fun enjoying the sort of perfect Fall weather-minus yesterday crazy rain storm
We blessed this little angel, that keeps getting cuter by the minute. (I love that my mom, myself, alexis and now makenna have been blessed in this dress, which was made by my great grandmother.)

We also went to Wtch-a-palooza, which has sort of become a little tradition with the Gray's. This year we let the kids wear their costumes and they all had so much fun and of course we had to end the night with donuts and hot chocolate.

I love this picture of Indiana Jones, aka McKadin. Anyone that knows him knows he doesn't sit still for pictures and somehow I lucked out and got this adorable one of him.

but this one ranks at the top of my all time favorite pictures...
it sort of reminds me a little boy skipping rocks in a pond sometime in the 1800's

Yesterday we went to Black Forest Farms and corn maze. The kids had a lot of fun, but I thought it was a huge rip off, seriously who charges $15 a person for a corn maze and a couple of slides. Oh well-lesson learned, next year we'll go to Patch's for free and have just as much fun.  

 This little girl is such a trooper even in the cold and rainy weather she is still the most laid back and well behaved baby. (I just love the little rosy cheeks she has.)

And of course the kiddos Halloween costumes...
Here is my cute little ladybug

and Rainbow Brite with Wolverine

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love love love those pictures of McKadin! You need to send them to me so I can blow them up and hang them in my house!!! Hope you guys had a good Halloween! It sucks that is had to rain! Anyways love you guys!