Friday, January 8, 2010

Sort of...

I saw this on another blog and loved this idea, so here we go.  (I'm bound and determined that it will be a scrapbook page by this weekend.)
SORT OF...I sort of love when Kyle gives me kisses on my cheek and says "luuuv whew". I sort of love how Alexis still holds my hand and wants to cuddle before bed. I sort of love smoothies, hey they’re better than ICEE’s (which have now been banned from my house). It sort of sucks that I cracked my blender last week (too many smoothies in too short of a period) and I’ve had to pay $4 a day to get my smoothie fix. I sort of love falling asleep on couch cuddled up next to Justin or one of my kiddos. I sort of have a new favorite show and have watched every episode of it since Christmas-The Big Bang Theory-has to be the funniest show on TV right now (shocked its not reality, huh?). I sort of wish I lived somewhere that only snowed on Christmas day, and was in the mid 70’s every other day of the year. I sort of really hate the snow and cold weather, give me flip flops over boots any day of the year. I guess I sort of wear flip flops in the winter too, unless its actually snowing when I leave- my first instinct is to go for the sandals. I sort feel MIA in my life right now because this baby is sucking every ounce of creativity and motivation right out of me. I’m sort of overwhelmed about having another baby, is it possible to love this baby as much as I love my kiddos now. I sort of love how the hormones racing through me are bringing my curls back. I sort of say a secret prayer everyday that this baby will be healthy and will not have to spend the first 31 days of her/his life in the NICU. I sort of complain about the little things, but really do love my life... and I sort of wish I had more pictures with me in them. (these will have to do for now)

(oh, these pictures make me want the warm days of summer back, even more than I already did. Nat-can we come have a winter vacation at your house for a couple of days?)


M'lisa and Mark said...

That is adoreable!!! I love it!! And your pregnant!! When is the due date! Congrats I'm soo excited for you!! Love and Miss you guys! AubriLynn misses your kiddos too!

paxtonfam said...

I can't believe it! Congratulations, WOW!!! Super exciting news! When's the big day?

The DeWaal Family said...

WHAT!!! I had no idea. When are you due? That is so awesome congratulations I hope everything goes REALLY well for you!

Jocelyn Pehrson said...

I didn't know you were pregnant either. That is wonderful! Congratulations! I sort of love your post a lot! :)

jjtsoccer said...

Way cute entry! I love it! How have you been feeling? Any better? We need to get the kiddos together!

jjtsoccer said...

Way cute entry! I love it! How have you been feeling? Any better? We need to get the kiddos together!

Natalie said...

YES, please come!!!!